Crankshaft Pulley/Damper Trigger Pulse Wheel Modifications
This page describes the modifications that I made to a 2010 Ford Fusion 2.5L crankshaft
pulley trigger wheel (tone wheel) to interoperate with the 2006 Mazda 3 2.3L PCM. I used a dremmel tool,
dremmel cutoff wheel, metal file, welder, and two
binder clips
to change the tooth pattern on the trigger wheel.
2006 Mazda 3 Crankshaft Position Sensor Alignment:
![2006 Mazda 3 Crankshaft Position Sensor Alignment](Full/20016Mazda3CPS.gif)
Crankshaft Trigger Pulse Wheel Comparison:
![2006 Mazda 3 Trigger Pulse Wheel Comparison](Thumbs/CP_SdeBySde.jpg)
Teeth after being cut witgh a Dremmel cut-off wheel:
![2006 Mazda 3 Trigger Pulse Wheel Teeth](Thumbs/CP_CutTeeth.jpg)
The old teeth were used as a jig for welding on a new tooth. I used a binder clip to clip a single tooth to a pair of cut off teeth and the used another binder clip to
clip the assembly to an existing tooth next to the Fusion damper window. This put the new single tooth in the exact correct location in the Fusion window. I then used my poor welding
skills to attach the single tooth.
![2006 Mazda 3 Trigger Pulse Wheel Cut and Welded 1](Thumbs/CP_CutWelded1.jpg)
New tooth welded into the Fusion single window and three new windows cut with a Dremmel cut-off wheel:
![2006 Mazda 3 Trigger Pulse Wheel Cut and Welded 2](Thumbs/CP_CutWelded2.jpg)
New tooth being compared to standard tooth profile and shaped as necessary:
![2006 Mazda 3 Trigger Pulse Wheel Tooth Shaping](Thumbs/CP_ToothShaping.jpg)
Finally, I painted the wheel anywhere that I had removed the original protective finish.
Last update: Dec 7th, 2019